Lightning bugs. That is what we called Fireflies when I was growing up. I remember being mesmerized when they hovered and glowed just above the grass in our backyard on a warm summer’s evening. Little did I know then, that these little flying bugs would become such a big part of my life, later on.

When I saw the inaugural year arrival of the FireFlies, glowing with celebration, as they cycled past on the Croisette, in Cannes, it was like seeing lightning bugs for the first time and I knew I wanted to participate. A fortuitous introduction to one of the original riders, Adrian Moat, resulted in me joining the small group of 15 cyclists, in 2003. After that I was hooked and have now crossed the Alps seven times and ridden down the West Coast three times, since then. I have also had the pleasure of watching the cycling swarm of FireFlies grow exponentially and become an extended family of very special individuals spread around the world. We ride for a cause and we also inspire. 
